UlintElement (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK UlintElement EXTENDS FBF.InstanceBase IMPLEMENTS IUlintElement Element wrapper for ULINT values. InOut: Scope Name Type Input Const uliValue ULINT Properties: UlintValue Methods: ElementCompareTo ElementEquals ElementHashCode prvInstInit Structure: ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) UlintValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method)
UlintElementFactory (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK UlintElementFactory EXTENDS FBF.FactoryBase IElement factory for ULINT values Properties: prvInstCount prvInstPoolExtendsFactor prvInstSize Methods: Create Structure: Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property)
WStringElement (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK WStringElement EXTENDS FBF.InstanceBase IMPLEMENTS IWStringElement Element wrapper for WSTRING values. InOut: Scope Name Type Input Const wsValue WSTRING Properties: WStringValue Methods: ElementCompareTo ElementEquals ElementHashCode prvInstInit Structure: ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) WStringValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method)
WStringElementFactory (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK WStringElementFactory EXTENDS FBF.FactoryBase IElement factory for WSTRING values Properties: prvInstCount prvInstPoolExtendsFactor prvInstSize Methods: Create Structure: Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property)
HashTable ¶ HashTable (FunctionBlock) AddKeyValuePair (Method) ContainsKey (Method) CountKeys (Method) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) GetElementByKey (Method) Keys (Method) LockWaitTime (Property) RemoveAllElements (Method) RemoveByKey (Method) SafeKeys (Method) SafeValues (Method) Values (Method) HashTableFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) CreateDynamicHashtable (Method) CreateDynamicHashtablePreAlloc (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property)
IList3 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IList3 EXTENDS IList2 Methods: SafeElementIterator AddElement , inherited from ICollection ContainsElement , inherited from ICollection CountElements , inherited from ICollection ElementCompareTo , inherited from IElement ElementEquals , inherited from IElement ElementHashCode , inherited from IElement ElementIterator , inherited from ICollection GetElementAt , inherited from IList GetElementPosition , inherited from IList InsertElementAt , inherited from IList RemoveAllElements , inherited from ICollection RemoveElement , inherited from ICollection RemoveElementAt , inherited from IList SetElementAt , inherited from IList Structure: SafeElementIterator (Method)
IMap (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IMap EXTENDS IElement Map with key-value pairs of IElements. Methods: AddKeyValuePair ContainsKey CountKeys GetElementByKey Keys RemoveByKey Values ElementCompareTo , inherited from IElement ElementEquals , inherited from IElement ElementHashCode , inherited from IElement Structure: AddKeyValuePair (Method) ContainsKey (Method) CountKeys (Method) GetElementByKey (Method) Keys (Method) RemoveByKey (Method) Values (Method)
IMap2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IMap2 EXTENDS IMap Methods: RemoveAllElements AddKeyValuePair , inherited from IMap ContainsKey , inherited from IMap CountKeys , inherited from IMap ElementCompareTo , inherited from IElement ElementEquals , inherited from IElement ElementHashCode , inherited from IElement GetElementByKey , inherited from IMap Keys , inherited from IMap RemoveByKey , inherited from IMap Values , inherited from IMap Structure: RemoveAllElements (Method)
IMap3 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IMap3 EXTENDS IMap2 Methods: SafeKeys SafeValues AddKeyValuePair , inherited from IMap ContainsKey , inherited from IMap CountKeys , inherited from IMap ElementCompareTo , inherited from IElement ElementEquals , inherited from IElement ElementHashCode , inherited from IElement GetElementByKey , inherited from IMap Keys , inherited from IMap RemoveAllElements , inherited from IMap2 RemoveByKey , inherited from IMap Values , inherited from IMap Structure: SafeKeys (Method) SafeValues (Method)
IQueue (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IQueue EXTENDS ICollection Queue of IElements (FIFO, first in first out) Methods: Peek Poll AddElement , inherited from ICollection ContainsElement , inherited from ICollection CountElements , inherited from ICollection ElementCompareTo , inherited from IElement ElementEquals , inherited from IElement ElementHashCode , inherited from IElement ElementIterator , inherited from ICollection RemoveAllElements , inherited from ICollection RemoveElement , inherited from ICollection Structure: Peek (Method) Poll (Method)