HashTable.RemoveAllElements (METH) ¶ METHOD RemoveAllElements : COLLECTION_ERROR Remove all keys and values. InOut: Scope Name Type Return RemoveAllElements COLLECTION_ERROR
HashTable.RemoveByKey (METH) ¶ METHOD RemoveByKey : COLLECTION_ERROR Removes the key-value pair with the key itfKey from the map. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return RemoveByKey COLLECTION_ERROR Input itfKey IElement The key to remove.
FbCloseDialog (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FbCloseDialog EXTENDS FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Handles the action close dialog To use this function block in the programm set the according inputvalues and start the dialog close action with xExecute = TRUE . The fb-instance should be declarated within a permanent setting, e.g. a GVL, and not within a temporary setting, e.g. a function. Therefore, the action will still be available, when called, later on. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inherited from Input xExecute BOOL Rising edge: Starts defined operation FALSE : Resets the defined operation after ready condition was reached ETrig Output xDone BOOL TRUE : Ready condition reached ETrig xBusy BOOL TRUE : Operation is running ETrig xError BOOL TRUE : Error condition reached ETrig Input itfClientFilter IVisualizationClientFilter With this filter, the clients, where the action should happen, are specified. Use standard filter from GVL Globals, e.g. VU.Globals.CurrentClient , or use a own implentation of the interface. FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Output eError ERROR FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Input sDialogName STRING Mandatory value: name of the dialog dialogResult VisuElemBase.Visu_DialogResult
FbIterateClients (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FbIterateClients EXTENDS FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Iterates over all or only a subset of the currently active clients InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inherited from Input xExecute BOOL Rising edge: Starts defined operation FALSE : Resets the defined operation after ready condition was reached ETrig Output xDone BOOL TRUE : Ready condition reached ETrig xBusy BOOL TRUE : Operation is running ETrig xError BOOL TRUE : Error condition reached ETrig Input itfClientFilter IVisualizationClientFilter With this filter, the clients, where the action should happen, are specified. Use standard filter from GVL Globals, e.g. VU.Globals.CurrentClient , or use a own implentation of the interface. FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Output eError ERROR FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Input itfIterationCallback IVisualizationClientIteration An instance that will be called during the iteration. Note As the iteration takes place within VISU_TASK please make sure that the given object is alive long enough!
FbOpenDialog (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FbOpenDialog EXTENDS FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Handles the action open dialog To use this function block in the programm set the according inputvalues and start the dialog open action with xExecute = TRUE . The fb-instance should be declarated within a permanent setting, e.g. a GVL, and not within a temporary setting, e.g. a function. Therefore, the action will still be available, when called, later on. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Inherited from Input xExecute BOOL Rising edge: Starts defined operation FALSE : Resets the defined operation after ready condition was reached ETrig Output xDone BOOL TRUE : Ready condition reached ETrig xBusy BOOL TRUE : Operation is running ETrig xError BOOL TRUE : Error condition reached ETrig Input itfClientFilter IVisualizationClientFilter With this filter, the clients, where the action should happen, are specified. Use standard filter from GVL Globals, e.g. VU.Globals.CurrentClient , or use a own implentation of the interface. FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Output eError ERROR FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Input sDialogName STRING Mandatory value: name of the dialog xModal BOOL TRUE Optional setting for dialog usage (modal or not modal). TRUE : modal: only input in the dialog is possible (defaultvalue) FALSE : not modal: usage of visu beneath dialog is possible, too. pTopLeftPosition POINTER TO VisuStructPoint Optional position to open: centered (default): use no input point on position X/Y: set values accordingly in the VisuStructPoint
FbOpenDialogExtended (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FbOpenDialogExtended EXTENDS FbOpenDialog Handles the action open dialog with extended parameters To use this function block in the programm set the according inputvalues and start the dialog open action with xExecute = TRUE . InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Inherited from Input xExecute BOOL Rising edge: Starts defined operation FALSE : Resets the defined operation after ready condition was reached ETrig Output xDone BOOL TRUE : Ready condition reached ETrig xBusy BOOL TRUE : Operation is running ETrig xError BOOL TRUE : Error condition reached ETrig Input itfClientFilter IVisualizationClientFilter With this filter, the clients, where the action should happen, are specified. Use standard filter from GVL Globals, e.g. VU.Globals.CurrentClient , or use a own implentation of the interface. FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Output eError ERROR FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Input sDialogName STRING Mandatory value: name of the dialog FbOpenDialog xModal BOOL TRUE Optional setting for dialog usage (modal or not modal). TRUE : modal: only input in the dialog is possible (defaultvalue) FALSE : not modal: usage of visu beneath dialog is possible, too. FbOpenDialog pTopLeftPosition POINTER TO VisuStructPoint Optional position to open: centered (default): use no input point on position X/Y: set values accordingly in the VisuStructPoint FbOpenDialog itfDialogOpenedListener VisuElemBase.IDialogOpenedListener Optional: Action done listener The FB instance gets notified, when the dialog has opened. pbyDialogInterfaceData POINTER TO BYTE Optional: Sets the parameters for the dialog interface. Should be used together with udiDialogInterfaceDataSize . For each dialog automatically a structure is generated. E.g. DialogName: MessagBox –> Structure name: MessageBox_VISU_STRUCT. Use a instance of this struct, e.g. dialoginst : MessageBox_VISU_STRUCT and set it as ADR(dialoginst) for this variable udiDialogInterfaceDataSize UDINT Optional: Sets the size of the data for the dialog interface. Should be used together with pbyDialogInterfaceData For each dialog automatically a structure is generated. E.g. DialogName: MessagBox –> Structure name: MessageBox_VISU_STRUCT. Use SIZEOF(MessageBox_VISU_STRUCT) for this variable. itfDialogCloseListener VisuElemBase.IDialogCloseListener Optional: Dialog close listener The FB instance gets notified, when the dialog is closed. pbyTagForDialogClosed POINTER TO BYTE Optional: Tag/Data which is necessary for the action on dialog closed. Can only be used together with itfDialogCloseListener The optional parameter itfDialogCloseListener must implement IDialogCloseListenerWithTag . In DialogClosedWithTag it will get this parameter ( pbyTagForDialogClosed ) back as pTag dwDialogFlags DWORD Optional: Additional information flags with content of type Visu_InputFlags. CenterOnElement flag is only supported by VU.Globals.CurrentClient filter.
Functions ¶ FctGetNextVisu (Function) FctGetPreviousVisu (Function)
FctGetNextVisu (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION FctGetNextVisu : IVisualisation for FbClientWrapper (to avoid compile errors, a function is used) InOut: Scope Name Type Return FctGetNextVisu IVisualisation Input pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
FctGetPreviousVisu (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION FctGetPreviousVisu : IVisualisation for FbClientWrapper (to avoid compile errors, a function is used) InOut: Scope Name Type Return FctGetPreviousVisu IVisualisation Input pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
GlobalVariables ¶ Globals (GVL) PublicVariables (GVL)