IVisualizationClient.PreviousVisuName (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY PreviousVisuName : STRING Returns the name of the previous visualization or an empty string, if still the first visualization is displayed.
IVisualizationClient.UserGroupId (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY UserGroupId : DWORD The current user group ID, of the user, which is logged in.
IVisualizationClient.UserName (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY UserName : WSTRING Returns the name of the currently logged in user if a usermanagement is active.
IVisualizationClientFilter.IsAccepted (METH) ¶ METHOD IsAccepted : BOOL For every client can be desided, if it is accepted. TRUE : Client is accepted InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return IsAccepted BOOL Input itfClient IVisualizationClient The client, to check
IVisualizationClientIteration.EndIteration (METH) ¶ METHOD EndIteration This method will be called after the end of an iteration over all clients. Note Please remark that this method will be called from VISU_TASK
IVisualizationClientIteration.HandleClient (METH) ¶ METHOD HandleClient This method will be called for each client that is currently within the list of active visualization clients. Note Please remark that this method will be called from VISU_TASK InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input itfClient IVisualizationClient The object representing the according client. Will not be 0.
IVisualizationClientIteration.StartIteration (METH) ¶ METHOD StartIteration This method will be called at the start of an iteration over all clients. Note Please remark that this method will be called from VISU_TASK.
IVisualizationClientRaw.ClientDataPointer (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ClientDataPointer : POINTER TO VisuElemBase.VisuStructClientData Returns the ClientDataPointer which is needed for other functionalities for which there is no alternative in VisuUtils. Normally this pointer should only be passed to other functions. The internal data should not be accessed.
ERROR (ENUM) ¶ TYPE ERROR : Errors that might be returned by functionblocks from this library typically using the variable eError. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Comment NO_ERROR TIME_OUT NOT_CALLED_FROM_VISU NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_INTEGRATED_VISU ERROR TRANSFER_CANCELLED TRANSER_IN_PROGRESS TRANSFER_FAILED FILE_READ_ERROR VISU_NOT_FOUND No visualization with the given name found. NO_CLIENT_FILTER No clientFilter (e.g. as FbExecuteSingleVisuActionBase.clientFilter ) was set so the action cannot be executed at all. NO_ITERATION_CALLBACK No callback for the iteration was passed FILE_TRANSFER_SERVICES_NOT_SUPPORTED The file transfer services are not supported BLOCKED_DUE_TO_ONLINECHANGE The operation is currently not possible because an online change is in progress CANCELLED_DUE_TO_ONLINE_CHANGE The operation was cancelled because an online change was executed between start and end of the operation
VisuClientType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuClientType : The client type. Similar to VisuElemBase.Visu_ClientType, but only containing the clients, needed here. Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment Unknown 16#0 ProgrammingSystem 16#1 TargetVisualization 16#4 WebVisualization 16#8 RemoteTargetVisualization 16#10 AllRemoteVisualizations 16#1B 1 | 2 | 8 | 16