Functions ¶ FD_CLR (Function) IPARRAY_TO_IPSTRING (Function) IPARRAY_TO_UDINT (Function) IPSTRING_TO_UDINT (Function) IS_MULTICAST_GROUP (Function) UDINT_TO_HEX (Function) UDINT_TO_IPARRAY (Function) UDINT_TO_IPSTRING (Function) UINT_TO_HEX (Function)
FD_CLR (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION FD_CLR : UDINT Remove a socket from a fd set. InOut: Scope Name Type Return FD_CLR UDINT Input hSocket RTS_IEC_HANDLE pfs POINTER TO SysSocket.SOCKET_FD_SET
IPARRAY_TO_IPSTRING (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IPARRAY_TO_IPSTRING : STRING Converts a byte array to a readable ip address string InOut: Scope Name Type Return IPARRAY_TO_IPSTRING STRING Input abyIPAddress ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE
IPARRAY_TO_UDINT (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IPARRAY_TO_UDINT : UDINT Converts a byte array to an udint ip address value InOut: Scope Name Type Return IPARRAY_TO_UDINT UDINT Input abyIPAddress ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE
IPSTRING_TO_UDINT (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IPSTRING_TO_UDINT : UDINT Converts a readable ip address string to an udint value InOut: Scope Name Type Return IPSTRING_TO_UDINT UDINT Input sIPAddress STRING
SocketType (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SocketType : InOut: Name Initial UnicastSocket 0 BroadcastSocket 1 NetworkBroadcastSocket 2 MulticastSocket 3
Functionblocks ¶ Port (FunctionBlock) Multicast JoinGroup (Method) LeaveGroup (Method) SetInterface (Method) Properties IPAddress (Property) ReceivePort (Property) SendPort (Property) Socket (Property) Receive (Method) Receive2 (Method) Send (Method) Socket Bind (Method) FdIsSet (Method) FdSet (Method) GetOption (Method) IoControl (Method) SetOption (Method) UDPDriver (FunctionBlock) ClosePort (Method) CreatePort (Method) Select (Method)
Port (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Port Represent a UDP Port, which is managed (opened and closed) by an UDPDriver. Properties: IPAddress ReceivePort SendPort Socket Methods: Receive Receive2 Send Bind FdIsSet FdSet GetOption IoControl JoinGroup LeaveGroup SetInterface SetOption Structure: Multicast JoinGroup (Method) LeaveGroup (Method) SetInterface (Method) Properties IPAddress (Property) ReceivePort (Property) SendPort (Property) Socket (Property) Receive (Method) Receive2 (Method) Send (Method) Socket Bind (Method) FdIsSet (Method) FdSet (Method) GetOption (Method) IoControl (Method) SetOption (Method)
Multicast ¶ JoinGroup (Method) LeaveGroup (Method) SetInterface (Method)
Properties ¶ IPAddress (Property) ReceivePort (Property) SendPort (Property) Socket (Property)