Structures ¶ VisuStructAllDialogInfo (Struct) VisuStructAllModalDialogInfo (Struct) VisuStructAllNonModalDialogInfo (Struct)
VisuDialogOpenFlags (ENUM) ¶ TYPE VisuDialogOpenFlags : Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment NONE 16#0 MODAL 16#1 CENTERED_ON_ELEMENT 16#2 NEXT_TO_ELEMENT 16#4 FIX_POSITION 16#8 Overwrite for the auto test NOT_BOTTOM 16#10 Standardmäßig darf überall gezeichnet werden (bei next_to_element) Hier können gewissen Positionen ausgeschlossen werden NOT_LEFT 16#20 NOT_TOP 16#40 NOT_RIGHT 16#80 ALIGN_TOP 16#100 ALIGN_BOT 16#200 ALIGN_LEFT 16#400 ALIGN_RIGHT 16#800 WITH_BACKGROUND 16#1000 CENTERED 16#2000 COMBOBOX_EVT_CAPTURING 16#4000 DLG_IS_PAA 16#8000 POINTING_AREA 16#10000 The background area is used as pointing area for dialog box moving
VisuFbCommandVector (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbCommandVector EXTENDS VisuFbBaseVector Vector to allow deeper rollbacks then the last element Methods: AddEntry GetEntryPointer InitStaticMemory , inherited from VisuFbBaseVector RemoveEntryAt , inherited from VisuFbBaseVector abstrAssign abstrDataPtrChanged abstrSizeOfElement Structure: AddEntry (Method) GetEntryPointer (Method) Overrides-and-Implementations abstrAssign (Method) abstrDataPtrChanged (Method) abstrSizeOfElement (Method)
Visu_FbStringDintMap (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK Visu_FbStringDintMap EXTENDS Collections.StringToDintMap Methods: AddOrOverwrite Structure: AddOrOverwrite (Method)
Visu_StructCommandData (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Visu_StructCommandData : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment m_dwCommand DWORD current dword m_pCurrentRollbackPosition POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF BYTE position to rollback m_dwCommandSize DWORD the size of the command
DatasourceFrameManager ¶ FrameRegistrationDataBase (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) ReplacementInfo (Property) FrameRegistrationDataHashTableElement (Struct) Utilities PStringRefElement (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) PStringValue (Property) VisuFbDatasourceFramePathManager (FunctionBlock) AddItem (Method) GetCount (Method) GetItem (Method) GetReplacedPath (Method) GetReplacementInfo (Method) Initialize (Method)
FrameRegistrationDataBase (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FrameRegistrationDataBase IMPLEMENTS COL.IElement Properties: ReplacementInfo Methods: ElementCompareTo ElementEquals ElementHashCode Structure: ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) ReplacementInfo (Property)
FrameRegistrationDataHashTableElement (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE FrameRegistrationDataHashTableElement : STRUCT InOut: Name Type pstPath PStringRefElement frameRegistrationDataBase FrameRegistrationDataBase
ConvertTimestampLocalToUTC (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ConvertTimestampLocalToUTC : LINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return ConvertTimestampLocalToUTC LINT Input value Visu_AllNumericTypesUnion varType Visu_Types
ConvertTimestampUTCToLocal (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ConvertTimestampUTCToLocal : LINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return ConvertTimestampUTCToLocal LINT Input liNanoseconds LINT