IVisuManagerBase.LastMainVisu (METH) ¶ METHOD LastMainVisu : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return LastMainVisu INT Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
IVisuUserEventManager (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IVisuUserEventManager This interface declared the methods that are publically available in the visu user manager. This interface might be extended in the future so it should not be implemented by customer components! Methods: SetCustomEventHandler SetEditBoxEventHandler SetGestureEventHandler SetInputOnElementEventHandler SetKeyEventHandler SetMouseEventHandler SetSpecialEventHandler SetUserMgmtEventHandler Structure: SetCustomEventHandler (Method) SetEditBoxEventHandler (Method) SetGestureEventHandler (Method) SetInputOnElementEventHandler (Method) SetKeyEventHandler (Method) SetMouseEventHandler (Method) SetSpecialEventHandler (Method) SetUserMgmtEventHandler (Method)
IVisuUserEventManager.SetCustomEventHandler (METH) ¶ METHOD SetCustomEventHandler : BOOL This method assigns the eventhandler for custom events. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SetCustomEventHandler BOOL TRUE - When there was no previous handler, i.e. the handler was registered successfully FALSE - When there was a previous event handler. Input itfCustomEventHandler ICustomEventHandler
IVisuUserEventManager.SetEditBoxEventHandler (METH) ¶ METHOD SetEditBoxEventHandler : BOOL This method assigns the eventhandler for catching write events using the edit control. You must only assign one handler here because later calls to this method will overwrite the previous event handler. The method will return <c>TRUE</c> when there was no previous handler, and <c>FALSE</c> when there was a previous event handler. InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetEditBoxEventHandler BOOL Input handler IEditBoxInputHandler
IVisuUserEventManager.SetGestureEventHandler (METH) ¶ METHOD SetGestureEventHandler : BOOL This method assigns the eventhandler for gesture events. The method will return <c>TRUE</c> when there was no previous handler, and <c>FALSE</c> when there was a previous event handler. InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetGestureEventHandler BOOL Input handler IGestureEventHandler
IVisualElementLayer.Initialized (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Initialized : BOOL
IVisualElementLayer.Paint (METH) ¶ METHOD Paint
IVisualElementOfflineScaling (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IVisualElementOfflineScaling Methods: SetOfflineScalingFactors Structure: SetOfflineScalingFactors (Method)
IVisualElementOfflineScaling.SetOfflineScalingFactors (METH) ¶ METHOD SetOfflineScalingFactors : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetOfflineScalingFactors BOOL Input rHorizontalScalingFactor REAL rVerticalScalingFactor REAL
IVisualElementProvidesChildElements (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IVisualElementProvidesChildElements EXTENDS IVisualElementProvidesSubElements Extension of IVisualElementProvidesSubElements to provide the element Id’s. Used for example in group boxes Methods: GetElementIdArray GetSubElements , inherited from IVisualElementProvidesSubElements Structure: GetElementIdArray (Method)