Key WSTRING(GParams.g_diMaxString [...] the search pResult POINTER TO JSONElement Pointer
Key WSTRING(GParams.g_diMaxString [...] the search pResult POINTER TO JSONElement Pointer
of the strings is NULL [...] BufferPtr simply a pointer [...] BufferPtr simply a pointer
VarName STRING ‘’ Contains [...] letters pAdr POINTER TO BYTE Pointer
pbyData POINTER TO BYTE pointer [...] Filename STRING Filenname
Entry (Method) GetEntryPointer [...] SizeOfElement (Method) Visu_FbString
if the given string is null [...] a pointer to byte
if the given string is null [...] a pointer to byte
EventParam : POINTER [...] Command REFERENCE TO STRING pszArguments REFERENCE TO STRING di
text. A NULL pointer [...] . stringType __SYSTEM [...] of string