parameter • Single value teach-in • Two value [...] with variable Function
variable of type BYTE [...] byValue BYTE The value to be saved
string latch variable the stored variable value [...] value indicating
VisuFctSetNumericValue [...] VisuFctSetNumericValue [...] Return VisuFctSetNumericValue
Dialog_Variables_Exp (GVL) ¶ InOut: Name [...] _XExp BOOL Value contains
Definition2 (Interface) GetRecipeVariableCount (Method) GetRecipeVariable [...] Definition3 (Interface) GetRecipeValues
LogChannel Enable (Property) GetAllDataLogVariables [...] IsActionOngoing (Method) UseHashValues [...] LogChannel Enable (Property) GetAllDataLogVariables
is the alpha value, the next byte the red value [...] component takes a value
VarAccess (Interface) AppendVariable [...] TypeClass (Method) GetValue (Method) RemoveVariable
of the alarm byTriggerValue [...] values attached to the alarm. For each value