ISO8327_FB.X_ADA (ACT) ¶ PGI |m/o|code| PI |m/o|code
ISO8327_FB.X_AIA (ACT) ¶ PGI |m/o|code| PI |m/o|code
ISO8327_FB.RX_DN (ACT) ¶ PGI |m/o|code| PI |m/o|code
Ua_Variant StatusCode OpcUa_StatusCode
, the CODE1 input sets the Error Code1, and the CODE2 input sets
Enums ¶ ERROR (Enum) OPTION_CODE (Enum)
8073_FB._Doku (ACT) ¶ TPDU Code TPDU Code (4 bits) TPDU Codes: Code
: 5 in binary code [...] code is 0001 [...] 01010001 in BCD code
of the occurred failure. errCode IEC_BACNET_ERROR_CODE [...] , specifies the error code
byModbusError MB_ErrorCodes MB_ErrorCodes [...] in the “MB_ErrorCodes