or resets a device Note [...] CommunicationState DED.ERROR Input e
Input e [...] An optional pointer to a
the current offset for a [...] Output eError ERROR
a serial com port [...] block. Output e
create a Root [...] Inherited from Output e [...] .OPERATIONAL Component eState State
Number DINT You can find a [...] parameters. See SMC_ParameterNumber_CoE and SMC_ParameterNumber_SoE
has to instantiate it to allow a [...] : e.g. ‘1234’ st [...] GatewayPort STRING Gateway port: e
, parameter 1000 e [...] eActOpmode SML [...] ModuloPeriodU LREAL Length of a
of a specific instance of a CIP object [...] ) *) eClass := ENIP
1WebClient Function block to a send [...] of the web server e [...] : POST or GET e