_NAME STRING ‘Visu [...] _NAME STRING ‘Visu [...] _NAME STRING ‘Visu
IMPLEMENTS IXYChartString [...] of the interface IXYChartStringApproxMeasureIXYChartString [...] . Methods: XYChartMeasureString
STRING(255) Replaces a [...] of characters of a string by another string REPLACE
string array strArr: ARRAY[0..9] OF STRING [...] . In this example: iString
. Immutable String Segments [...] : StringSegs Default [...] String Segments, *
(Function) CreateString [...] AtAddress (Function) FindInString [...] Len (Function) StringLiteral_To_String
string conversion to different string [...] BACnetContents GetBitString
string within a string [...] UDINT Input itfString IString String within
_NO_ERROR STRING(2) ‘’ No error [...] _TECHNICAL_ERROR STRING ‘Technical [...] _LINE_FULL STRING ‘The line
_sHostnameBase STRING(20) ‘.azure [...] _sURLDelimiter STRING(1) ‘/’ gc_sAPIVersion STRING(30) ‘/api