TicketsSafe.FB_Init (METH) ¶ METHOD FB_Init : BOOL FB_Init is always available implicitly and it is used primarily for initialization. The return value is not evaluated. For a specific influence, you can also declare the methods explicitly and provide additional code there with the standard initialization code. You can evaluate the return value. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return FB_Init BOOL Input bInitRetains BOOL TRUE: the retain variables are initialized (reset warm / reset cold) bInCopyCode BOOL TRUE: the instance will be copied to the copy code afterward (online change)
TicketsSafe.GetFirstItem (METH) ¶ METHOD GetFirstItem : POINTER TO StructTicket InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetFirstItem POINTER TO StructTicket Input pIterator POINTER TO INT
TicketsSafe.GetNextItem (METH) ¶ METHOD GetNextItem : POINTER TO StructTicket InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetNextItem POINTER TO StructTicket Input pIterator POINTER TO INT
TicketsSafe.Init (METH) ¶ METHOD Init
Private ¶ prvGetIterateItem (Method)
TicketsSafe.prvGetIterateItem (METH) ¶ METHOD prvGetIterateItem : POINTER TO StructTicket InOut: Scope Name Type Return prvGetIterateItem POINTER TO StructTicket Input pIterator POINTER TO INT
ServerSide.InitActivitiesDone (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY InitActivitiesDone : BOOL
ServerSide.Initialize (METH) ¶ METHOD Initialize General initialization of the server with the generic protocol parameters InOut: Scope Name Type Input pStruInit POINTER TO StructServerInitialize
ServerSide.LineType (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY LineType : INT
ServerSide.SetNewCertData (METH) ¶ METHOD SetNewCertData : BOOL Set the new certificate data InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SetNewCertData BOOL Input hCert RTS_IEC_HANDLE New handle sCertThumb STRING New Local certificate thumb sCertThumbPeer STRING New Peer certificate thumb