Configuration Tip See the general description for information about the following tabs of the device editor. Tab: <device name> I/O Mapping Tab: <device name> IEC Objects Tab: <device name> Parameters
Tab: CANbus – General Table 1 . General Network Number of the CAN network that is linked via the CAN bus interface. Permitted values: 0 to 100. Baud rate Baud rate (in bits per second) for transmittin
Tab: CANbus – NetX Configuration As an alternative to the general CAN bus node, the CAN bus node (NetX) can be added to the device tree in the case of a NetX fieldbus. The NetX configuration dialog is
Functions CAN RAW CODESYS provides the capability of sending and receiving CAN messages via the application. No devices are required in the device tree to do this. The access can also be executed para
Diagnosis This chapter describes the general diagnosis in the case of CAN problems – regardless of the used fieldbus stack. Most problems are traced back to incorrect wiring or faulty bus device or CA