CODESYS Development System
Data Type: WSTRING According to the IEC 61131-3 standard, the data type WSTRING follows UCS-2 encoding. UCS-2 encoding means that a character is encoded with exactly the fixed length 2 bytes. UCS-2 co
CODESYS Development System
Data Type: BIT The data type BIT is valid only in structures for the declaration of structure members or in a function block for the declaration of variables. A BIT variable can have the values TRUE (
CODESYS Development System
Data Type: POINTER TO A pointer stores the memory address of objects, such as variables or function block instances, at runtime. Syntax of the pointer declaration: <pointer name>: POINTER TO <data typ
CODESYS Development System
Data Type: REFERENCE TO Important With compiler version >= V3.3.0.0, references are initialized (at 0). Important If a reference refers to a device input, then the access is applied as write access. W
CODESYS Development System
Data Type: ARRAY OF An array is a collection of data elements of the same data type. Single and multi-dimensional arrays of fixed or variable length are supported. One-dimensional array of fixed lengt
CODESYS Development System
Alias A data type alias is the declaration of a user-defined data type with which an alternative name for a basic type, data type, or function block is generated. You make the type declaration of an a
CODESYS Development System
Data Type: STRING Important In the case of Latin-1 encoding, the memory required for a STRING variable is always 1 byte per character plus one additional byte. For example, this results in 81 bytes in
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: instance-path The pragma can be applied to a local string variable. It has the effect that this local string variable in sequence with the device tree path of the POU which it belongs to is
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: no-exit The attribute suppresses the call of the FB_Exit method of a function block for a certain one of its instances. To do this you insert the attribute in the line before the declaratio
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: obsolete The effect of this pragma is that a defined warning is displayed for a data type definition during compilation if the data type (structure, function block, etc.) is used in the pro