CODESYS Development System
Constant: TIME, LTIME You can use TIME constants to operate the standard timer modules. The constant has a size of 32 bits and a resolution in milliseconds. In addition, the time constant LTIME is ava
CODESYS Development System
Constant: Date and Time 32-bit date specification: DATE Use the DATE keyword ( D ) to specify a date. Syntax <date keyword>#<year>-<month>-<day> <date keyword> : DATE | date | D | d <year> : 1970-2106
CODESYS Development System
Constant: Typed Literal With the ecxeption of REAL or LREAL -Constants (in this case, always LREAL is used) the smallest possible data type is used when calculating with IEC constants. If you want to
CODESYS Development System
Data Type: Implicit Enumeration The implicit enumeration allows for an easy way to declare a new enumeration variable which is valid only within the local POU. A variable of this type can take a limit
CODESYS Development System
Operator: SUB The IEC operator subtracts variables. Permitted data types: BYTE , WORD , DWORD , LWORD , SINT , USINT , INT , UINT , DINT , UDINT , LINT , ULINT , REAL , LREAL , TIME , LTIME , TIME_OF_
CODESYS Development System
Operator: MOD The IEC operator is used for modulo division. The result of the function is the non-negative, integer remainder of division. Permitted data types: BYTE , WORD , DWORD , LWORD , SINT , US
CODESYS Development System
Operator: MOVE The IEC operator is used for assigning a variable to another variable of a corresponding type. Because MOVE is available in the CFC, FBD, and LD editors, you can also use the EN/ENO fun
CODESYS Development System
Operator: INDEXOF The operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-3 standard. Instead of the INDEXOF operator, the ADR operator is provided in CODESYS V3 for getting a pointer at the index of a POU. :
CODESYS Development System
Operator: SIZEOF Tip In compiler version and higher, the XSIZEOF operator should be used instead of this operator. The operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-3 standard. Syntax : <return v
CODESYS Development System
Operator: XSIZEOF The operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-3 standard. The XSIZEOF operator determines the number of bytes which are needed in the passed variable or data type. In doing so, an un