CODESYS Development System
Data Type: WSTRING According to the IEC 61131-3 standard, the data type WSTRING follows UCS-2 encoding. UCS-2 encoding means that a character is encoded with exactly the fixed length 2 bytes. UCS-2 co
CODESYS Development System
Enumeration An enumeration is a user-defined data type composed of a series of comma-separated components (enumeration values) for declaring user-defined variables. You declare an enumeration in a DUT
CODESYS Development System
Data Type: REAL, LREAL The data types REAL and LREAL are floating-point types according to IEEE 754. Floating-point types are necessary when using decimal numbers and floating-point numbers in decimal
CODESYS Development System
Data Type: STRING Important In the case of Latin-1 encoding, the memory required for a STRING variable is always 1 byte per character plus one additional byte. For example, this results in 81 bytes in
CODESYS Development System
Operator: AND The IEC operator is used for the bitwise AND of bit operands. When the input bits all yield 1, the output bit also yields 1; otherwise 0. Permitted data types: BOOL , BYTE , WORD , DWORD
CODESYS Development System
Operator: BITADR The operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-3 standard. BITADR yields the bit offset within a segment in a DWORD . Important The offset depends on whether the "Byte addressing" opti
CODESYS Development System
Operator: LOG The IEC operator yields the base-10 logarithm of a number. The input variable can be any numeric basic data type, but the output variable must be the data type REAL or LREAL . Example 12
CODESYS Development System
Variable: VAR Local variables are declared between the keywords VAR and END_VAR in the declaration part of programming objects. You have read-only access to local variables (externally via the instanc
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Working with external optional Libraries ¶ Optional external libraries serve to make optional runtime system components available in IEC. Optional means here that a component cannot be integrated in a