CODESYS Development System
Message Pragmas Message pragmas force the display of messages in the message view during the compile process. Insertion location: Separate or existing line in the text editor of a POU. Table 20 . 4 ty
CODESYS Development System
Attribute pragmas Attribute pragmas influence compiling and precompiling. They are supported only in text editors. CODESYS supports a series of pre-defined attribute pragmas. In addition you can use u
CODESYS Development System
Custom attribute User-defined attributes are any application-defined or user-defined attributes that you can apply to POUs, actions, data type definitions and variables. You can query a user-defined a
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: noinit The pragma is applied to variables that should not be implicitly initialized. Syntax : {attribute 'no_init'} {attribute 'no-init'} {attribute 'noinit'} Insert location: Line above th
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: pack_mode The pragma defines how a data structure is packed during the allocation. The attribute has to be inserted above the data structure and affects the packing of the entire structure.
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: const_replaced, const_non_replaced The 'const_replaced' attribute has the effect that the constant is replaced in the code, independently of the setting of the Replace constants compiler op
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: displaymode The pragma defines the display mode of an individual variable. This definition overwrites the global setting for the display of the monitoring variable, which takes place via th
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: linkalways The pragma {attribute 'linkalways'} instructs the compiler to always include a POU or a library POU in the compile information. During the build, the POU is compiled and is part
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: monitoring_encoding The attribute pragma is allowed for variables of data type STRING and for variables of an alias data type of type STRING . The attribute has the effect that the values o
CODESYS Development System
Attribute: no_copy In general, an online change requires a re-allocation of instances of a POU. In the process, the value of the variable contained in the instance is copied. The pragma prevents the v