CODESYS Development System
Command: Call Tree Symbol: Function : The command opens the Call Tree view. Call : View Menu Context menu of a callable POU in the Devices view or POUs view View: Call Tree The call tree is available
CODESYS Development System
Command: Show memory view Symbol: Function : In CODESYS V3.5 versions before SP11, the command opens the Memory view. Call : View menu In SP11 and later, the command displays the notice that you need
CODESYS Development System
Command: Security Screen Symbol: Function : The command opens the Security Screen view. Call : View Menu icon or in the status bar The icon is displayed in blue when a valid certificate is specified f
CODESYS Development System
Command: Refactoring – Rename <…> Function : The command opens a dialog for renaming an object or variable throughout the entire project. Call : Edit → Refactoring menu; context menu Requirement : An
CODESYS Development System
Command: Refactoring – Reorder Variables Symbol: Function : The command allows for changing the order of variables in the declaration editor for the selected scope: VAR_INPUT , VAR_OUTPUT , or VAR_IN_
CODESYS Development System
Command: Open Project Symbol: Shortcut: Ctrl + O Function : The command opens the default dialog for loading a project. You can search for a CODESYS project in the file system and open it in the devel
CODESYS Development System
Command: Close Project Function : This command closes the project which is currently open. CODESYS remains opens. Call : File menu ; moreover, implicit when opening a new or other project when another
CODESYS Development System
Command: Save Project Symbol: Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + S Function : The command saves the project file. Call : File menu The command saves the project file with the current project name which appears
CODESYS Development System
Command: Save Project as The command opens the standard Windows dialog for saving a file. The project can be saved with the desired location and file type. File type For both ordinary projects and lib