Device tree . In online mode, the device tree allows for a pinpointing of a pending diagnosis. Green symbol: The device is in the OPERATIONAL state. Orange triangle: The device is in the PREOPERATIONA
EtherCAT – General (Master and Slave) In online mode, the state of the device is displayed on the General tab for the EtherCAT Master and Slave. In the case of the master, any errors or messages are d
Overview Page in the Master All slaves and their statuses are displayed together on the Overview tab. Each EtherCAT Slave is listed with its physical address, status, and any error counters. The error
IEC Objects – Master The driver instance and its inputs and outputs are displayed on the IEC Objects tab of the master. You can use the outputs to check whether or not the configuration has completed.
IEC Objects – Slave The respective slave instance is displayed on the IEC Objects tab of the slave. The wState output returns the current state of the slave. :
Online Page for the Slave If the controller is in online mode and the Expert settings option is selected, then the additional Online tab is displayed. The current status of the device is displayed on
CoE Online Display for the Slave If the Expert settings option is selected, then the additional CoE Online tab is displayed with all CoE objects and their current values. Here you can find and directl
Diagnosis History for the Slave All messages in the respective slave are displayed on the Diagnostics History tab . The visibility of this tab depends on the devices used. For more information, see: T
Logger Page (Master and Slave) Master All messages of the master and all slaves below it are displayed on the Log tab of the master. Slave Only the messages from this one slave are displayed on the Lo
Libraries: EtherCAT EtherCATStack IODrvEtherCATDriver :