Dialog: Project Settings – SFC Symbol: Function : The dialog is used to configure the settings of SFC objects. The properties of each new SFC object automatically have the configured settings. Call :
Dialog: Options – SFC editor Symbol: Function : The dialog is used to configure the settings for the SFC editor . Call : Tools → Options command, SFC editor category Tab: Layout Table 5 . Elements Def
Dialog: Settings – SFC Settings Function : The dialog defines the default settings for all POUs which are used in the project and which are programmed in SFC. Call : View → Properties command; context
Command: Add Entry Action Symbol: Function : The command opens the Add Entry Action dialog where you define a new entry action. Depending on the SFC options, a dialog prompt may open for selecting the
Command: Insert Exit Action Symbol: Function : The command opens the Add Exit Action dialog where you define a new exit action. Depending on the SFC options, a dialog prompt may open for selecting the
Command: Init Step Symbol: Function : The command converts the selected step into an initial step. Call : SFC menu When you execute the command, the border of the step element changes to a double line
Command: Insert Step Symbol: Function : The command inserts a step before the selected position. Call : SFC menu; context menu in the SFC editor The new step is named Step<n> by default, where n is an
Command: Insert Step After Symbol: Function : The command inserts a step after the selected position. Call : SFC menu; context menu in the SFC editor The new step is named Step<n> by default, where n