Dialog: Options – SVN Settings Tab: General Symbol: Function : The tab includes the basic settings for CODESYS SVN . Call : Tools → Options menu Table 37 . Automatic locking and merging Merge . Behavi
Command: Include Externals to Project, Include Externals Symbol: Function : These commands open the Include externals dialog. . Call : Project → SVN menu Context menu: SVN Requirement : An object is s
Command: Ignore on Commit Function : The command identifies an object and adds it to the "ignore-on-commit” list. Then it is deactivated in the commit dialog by default. Call : SVN menu Requirement :
Command: SVN Info Function : The command provides information about the selected object in the SVN repository. The SVN Information dialog opens to do this. Call : Context menu: SVN Requirement : A ver
Command: Show Properties Symbol: Function : The command opens the SVN Properties dialog. There you can edit the properties of the versioned object. Call : Context menu: SVN Requirement : A versioned,
Command: Get Lock Symbol: Function : The command locks the object explicitly for you. The Lock Message dialog opens for this purpose. Call : Context menu: SVN Requirement : The versioned object is not
Command: Steal Locks Symbol: Function : The command steals the lock of the object and all dependent objects when these are also locked. The Lock Message dialog opens for this purpose. However, the dep
Command: Release Lock Symbol: Function : The command releases the lock of an object. Call : Context menu → SVN Requirement : The object is locked. :
Command: Release Locks Recursively Symbol: Function : The command releases the lock of an object explicitly with all of its subordinate objects. Call : Context menu → SVN Requirement : The object is l
Command: Show Log, Show Project Log Symbol: Function : These commands open the tab Project log or Log – <object> . The version history of the project or an object of the CODESYS project is displayed o