CODESYS SoftMotion Drives :
SoftMotion Drive Configuration :
Coupled Drive Units Coupled drives belong to a device which represents the drive within the fieldbus topology. The symbols of these drives have a small mark indicating the corresponding fieldbus type.
Inserting Free Drive Units Free drive units are not permanently coupled with other devices in the device tree. They are inserted in the device tree below SoftMotion General Drive Pool . :
Drive Control 'Drive_PosControl' With the Drive_PosControl drive control, you can let the position control of an axis of CODESYS continue to run. The requirement is a device that is controlled by the
Preprocessing G-Code : G40 , G41 , G42 , G43 , G50 , G51 , G52 , G60 , G61 , G70 , G71 Function : The commands activate preprocessing modules, such as SMC_SmoothPath , SMC_RoundPath , SMC_AvoidLoop ,
Smoothing of Additional Axis Motion using Multiple Objects G code : G70 , G71 Function : G71 starts and G70 ends the smoothing of motion on the additional axis that is given in L and travels over mult
CNC Example 04: Programming CNC using the Tabular Editor See the CNC04_table.project sample project in the installation directory of CODESYS under ..\CODESYS SoftMotion\Examples . In this project, the
Modes Function : These commands determine whether the coordinates and axis midpoints are interpreted as absolute values or relative coordinates. G Code Description G90 The coordinates ( X / Y / Z / A