Testing the TON Function Block This example shows the test of the standard TON function block in the Standard library. The test code is configured with a test table. Inserting the Test Table object fo
Command: Add IEC Unit Test Function : The command adds an IEC Unit Test element in the test script editor. The element is positioned after the last test element in the selected test script or branch.
Element: IEC Unit Test Symbol: Function : The IEC Unit Test element is used for automatically searching the (preparatory) loaded test project for test POUs and test tables, and then creating a test ap
Command: Add Object – Test Table Symbol: Function : The command opens the Add test table dialog to create a test table for a POU to be tested. Depending on the context, the <test table> object is adde
Dialog: Add Unit Test Assertion Function : The dialog adds an assertion function for custom data types. Call : Project menu, Add Object command Context menu of the Application object, Add Object comma
Command: Comment Out / Uncomment Tip The following applies for the status "Commented Out" of script elements and for set breakpoints: They only have an effect on Debug Script , not on the ordinary Exe
Command: Insert Remote Call Function : The command inserts a Remote Call element above the selected test element in the test script editor. Call : Test Manager menu Context menu of a test element Requ
Command: Execute Script Symbol: Function : The command opens the Execute Test dialog and then executes the test script. When you click in the taskbar during execution, the Test progress dialog opens.
Command: Add Test Case Function : The command adds a test case element in the test script editor. The test case is positioned after the last test element in the selected test script or branch. Call :