Command: Insert Remote Call Function : The command inserts a Remote Call element above the selected test element in the test script editor. Call : Test Manager menu Context menu of a test element Requ
Command: Execute Script Symbol: Function : The command opens the Execute Test dialog and then executes the test script. When you click in the taskbar during execution, the Test progress dialog opens.
Editor: Reports Function : The test report contains the detailed results of a test run. Call : Test report in the Test Manager view, on the Reports tab Tip When the test run is started, you can specif
Command: Add Test Case Function : The command adds a test case element in the test script editor. The test case is positioned after the last test element in the selected test script or branch. Call :
Action: UninstallAndCheckMessageHandler Function : The action uninstalls the message defined by the action InstallMessageHandler and checks the messages which have occurred in the meantime using the f
Element: Test Action Symbol: Function : The element contains the configuration of the test driver actions. Test actions are the actual functional contents of a test script. When you select a test acti
Reference, Test Project Programming :
Object: Test Table Symbol: The Test Table object contains the configuration of an IEC unit test. You can show multiple test cases in the table, each with multiple test steps. Moreover, you can combine
Command: Insert Test Case Function : The command inserts a test case element above the selected test element in the test script editor. Call : Test Manager menu Context menu of a test element Requirem
Action: FilterRegularExpression Function : The action uses regular expressions to process strings. Call : System test driver Tab: Configuration Input string String in which a specific pattern (substri