Automating the Unit Tests Important The test script has to contain the IEC Unit Test test element. The test project called by the test script has to contain a test table or test case function blocks.
Obsolete Test POU Implementations Important The CBM.ETrigA and TM.Testcase_Base test POU implementations are still supported by version, but in future versions they might not be supported anym
Dialog: Custom Conditions for Duration Function : The dialog contains the configuration, under which conditions a test step is executed, and which time restrictions the conditions are subject to minim
Dialog: Add Unit Test Function : The dialog inserts a new test POU for the IEC unit test. Call : Project menu, Add Object command Context menu of the Application object, Add Object command Table 84 .
Command: Add Remote Call Function : The command adds a Remote Call element in the test script editor. The remote call is added after the last test element in the selected test script or branch. Call :
Command: Copy command line to clipboard Function : The command generates the command line command with all parameters for calling the selected test script. In doing so, the command-line command is cop
Dialog: Options: TestManager Symbol: Function : The dialog is used to configure the options for debugging the CODESYS Test Manager . Call : Tools → Options command, TestManager category Allow screensh
Command: Switch Breakpoint Activation Symbol: Function : The command enables or disables a breakpoint in a test script element. Call : Context menu of the test script element where the breakpoint is s