Tab: Settings Function : The tab includes settings for all visualizations throughout the application. Symbol: Note Not all settings are available for an integrated CODESYS visualization. Group: Genera
Tab: Dialog Settings Symbol: The tab manages the settings for standard dialogs which open when virtual user input is desired, for example, because no external keyboard or mouse is available. Important
Tab: Default Hotkeys Symbol: The tab includes a list of configured hotkeys that are valid for all visualizations available throughout the application. Therefore, the tab is the central location for de
Tab: Visualizations Symbol: Function : The tab lists all visualizations throughout the project. In the list, the download behavior of each visualization can be set individually. Tab: Visualizations De
Tab: User Management: Runtime Based Symbol: Visualization groups which are connected to the device user management are managed on the User Management tab. Initial view Visualization user management is
Tab: User Management: Legacy Symbol: On the User Management tab, visualization groups and users are managed independently of the device user management. Tab: Groups Group Name Example: VISU_GRP 1 When
Tab: Font Settings Symbol: Function : The tab provides settings for adapting the font and its size in the visualization according to the language. The settings apply to all visualizations of the appli
Tab: Advanced Settings Symbol: This tab is part of the Visualization Manager dialog. Table 38 . Memory Settings Size of memory for visualization Memory size (in bytes) allocated by the visualization a
Object: CODESYS TargetVisu Symbol: Function : The object is used for configuring CODESYS TargetVisu in order to display the visualization directly on the controller of an integrated or connected panel