IStringPool (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IStringPool EXTENDS IDisposable Methods: GetString ObjectDispose , inherited from IDisposable ObjectRelease , inherited from IDisposable ObjectRetain , inherited from IDisposable Structure: GetString (Method)
IStringPool.GetString (METH) ¶ METHOD GetString : IString Returns a IString instance out of the related StringPool InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetString IString Output udiSize UDINT eErrorID ERROR
Copy (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Copy : UDINT Overwrites the content of itfDstString with the content of itfSrcString It returns the number of bytes written. InOut: Scope Name Type Return Copy UDINT Input itfDstString IString itfSrcString IString Output eErrorID ERROR
CreateString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CreateString : IString Returns a IString instance placed in the memory area given by the parameters InOut: Scope Name Type Return CreateString IString Input pbyMemory POINTER TO BYTE udiMemSize UDINT Output udiStrSize UDINT eErrorID ERROR
CreateStringPool (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CreateStringPool : IStringPool Creates a pool for IString instances in the specified memory space The size of the strings is specified via udiStringSize InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Return CreateStringPool IStringPool Input udiStringSize UDINT pbyPool POINTER TO BYTE udiPoolSize UDINT usiExtensionFactor USINT 0 Output eErrorID ERROR
IsValidString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IsValidString : BOOL Reports whether itfString consists entirely of valid UTF-8-encoded runes. InOut: Scope Name Type Return IsValidString BOOL Input itfString IString Output eErrorID ERROR
Len (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Len : UDINT Returns the number of bytes required for the UTF-8 encoded string segment of ifString . InOut: Scope Name Type Return Len UDINT Input itfString IString Output eErrorID ERROR
RuneCount (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION RuneCount : UDINT Returns the number of runes in itfString . InOut: Scope Name Type Return RuneCount UDINT Input itfString IString Output eErrorID ERROR
Interfaces ¶ IDisposable (Interface) ObjectDispose (Method) ObjectRelease (Method) ObjectRetain (Method) IRange (Interface) GetNextRune (Method) Reset (Method) UngetLastRune (Method) IString (Interface) IsValid (Method) Len (Method) IStringPool (Interface) GetString (Method) IStringRepresentation (Interface) Len (Method) ToIString (Method)
IDisposable (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDisposable EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Methods: ObjectDispose ObjectRelease ObjectRetain Structure: ObjectDispose (Method) ObjectRelease (Method) ObjectRetain (Method)