IFactory.prvFreeInstMem (METH) ¶ METHOD prvFreeInstMem : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return prvFreeInstMem BOOL Input hInst CAA.HANDLE
IFactory.prvGetInstPointer (METH) ¶ METHOD prvGetInstPointer : CAA.PVOID InOut: Scope Name Type Return prvGetInstPointer CAA.PVOID Input hInst CAA.HANDLE
IFactory.prvInsertInst (METH) ¶ METHOD prvInsertInst : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return prvInsertInst BOOL Input itfInst IInstance
IFactory.prvInstCount (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY prvInstCount : CAA.COUNT Is called by prvMemAlloc , if prvPoolAdr returns CAA.gc_pNULL
IFactory.prvInstInit (METH) ¶ METHOD prvInstInit : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return prvInstInit BOOL Input itfInst IInstance hInst CAA.HANDLE itfData IData Output eError ERROR
IFactory.prvInstPoolAdr (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY prvInstPoolAdr : CAA.PVOID Is called by prvMemAlloc , to determine the Methode of allocation. ( MBM.PoolCreateH or MBM.PoolCreateP ) If the return value is CAA.gc_pNULL then MBM.PoolCreateH is used. If the return value is not equal CAA.gc_pNULL this value is used as a basis for MBM.PoolCreateP
IFactory.prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY prvInstPoolExtendsFactor : USINT Is called by prvMemAlloc , to determine the amout of memory growing ( MBM.PoolExtendH )
IFactory.prvInstPoolSize (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY prvInstPoolSize : CAA.SIZE Is called by prvMemAlloc , if prvPoolAdr returns not CAA.gc_pNULL . it should be implementet like prvPoolSize := sizeof(abyPoolMemory)
IFactory.prvInstSize (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY prvInstSize : CAA.SIZE Is called by prvMemAlloc . Should Implemented like prvInstSize := sizeof(CustomFB)
IFactory.prvRemoveInst (METH) ¶ METHOD prvRemoveInst : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return prvRemoveInst BOOL Input itfInst IInstance