Command: Insert Action Association Symbol: Function : The command assigns an IEC action to a step. Call : SFC menu Requirement : A step is selected. CODESYS inserts the action element on the right nex
Command: Insert Action Association After Symbol: Function : The command assigns an IEC action to a step. Call : SFC menu Requirement : A step is selected. The command functions similar to the Insert A
Attribute: no_virtual_actions The pragma is used for function blocks that are derived from a function block implemented in SFC and use the fundamental SFC sequence of this base class. The actions call
SFC Element Properties You edit the properties of an SFC element in the Properties view. Click View → Element Properties to open this view. The properties which are displayed depends on the currently
CODESYS SFC CODESYS GmbH Version: V4.4.0.0, May 2024 Last update: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:58:13 :
CODESYS SFC The IEC 61131-3 programming language, Sequential Function Chart (SFC), is a graphical programming language for describing the chronological sequence of individual actions in a program. For
Programming in SFC Creating a POU in SFC Select an application in the device tree. Click Project → Add Object → POU . The Add POU dialog opens. Specify a name and select the Sequential Function Chart
Generating an SFC Visualization A visualization with a block diagram can be generated for a POU (type: Program or Function block ) in the Sequential Function Chart (SFC) implementation language. The G
SFC editor The SFC editor is graphical editor. A new SFC POU contains an Initial step and a subsequent transition. In the SFC editor, you can insert individual elements into the chart by means of comm