Tab: CANopen Manager – General Table 3 . General Node-ID The node number identifies the CANopen Manager as unique (value range: 1...127). Check and Fix Configuration Opens the dialog of the same name.
Tab: CANopen Remote Device – General The general settings of the CANopen Slave are defined in this dialog of a CANopen Remote Device (slave). Table 8 . General Node-ID The node number identifies the C
Tab: CANopen Device – PDOs Object: CANopen Remote Device, CANopen Local Device This dialog is available only in the device editor of a CANopen Slave of version V3.5.6.0 or higher. It shows all PDOs an
Tab: CANopen Remote Device – SDOs During the initialization of the CAN bus, CODESYS transmits the current configuration settings by using SDOs (service data objects). On this tab, you configure the ne
Tab: CANopen Remote Device – SRDO CRC This dialog is available for CANopen Safety Slaves only. It provides an overview of the current configured transmit and receive SRDOs with the determined checksum
Tab: CANopen Remote Device – SRDOs In the dialog, you define the safety-oriented data objects (SRDOs). The Receive SRDOs are defined on the left side and the Transmit SRDOs are defined on the right si
CANopen Diagnosis The chapter describes the diagnosis options offered by the CANopen protocol. CANopen State A CANopen network consists of a NMT master (network management) and NMT slaves. In this cas
Diagnosis in the Application CANopen State The CANopen state of a device can be interrogated in the application in three different ways: GET_STATE function block ( CAA CiA 405 library) <name in device
Diagnosis in the User Interface CANopen Manager (Master) device tree In online mode, the device tree allows for a pinpointing of a pending diagnosis. Green symbol when the device is OPERATIONAL. Error