CODESYS Application Composer
Channel A persistence channel defines [...] , up to 64 channels can
CODESYS Application Composer
Log Channel The DataLog Channel module is used [...] and the selection of the DataLogChannel
Channel ¶ CmpDNP3ChannelConfigSetChannelResponseTimeout (Function) CmpDNP3ChannelConfigSetMaxQueueSize (Function) CmpDNP3CloseChannel
Channel ¶ CIFX_xChannelBusState (Function) CIFX_xChannelClose (Function) CIFX_xChannel
CODESYS Development System
to I/O Channels [...] to the I/O channels [...] and for each channel. . Automated
/O channels Caution . [...] of the I/O channels [...] that have both safety channels
CmpDNP3ChannelConfigSetChannelResponseTimeout (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CmpDNP3ChannelConfigSetChannel [...] after the function DNP3_InitChannel
BACnetChannel.ChannelNumber (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ChannelNumber : CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_UNSIGNED_SUBRANGE_0_TO_65535
PlcServiceChannelMgr.BeginCreateChannel (METH) ¶ METHOD BeginCreateChannel [...] channel. A handle
PlcServiceChannelMgr.Channel [...] ChannelErrorCallback : [...] Channel