CODESYS Development System
of inputs/outputs [...] of the inputs/outputs [...] , then the missing inputs/outputs
CODESYS Development System
. When the input bits all yield 1, the output bit [...] Result in var1: 2
CODESYS Development System
#40000000 Input I : 16#80000000 Output Q : 16 [...] implementation language VAR xVar
CODESYS Development System
also set the input and/or output [...] : <program>(<input
CODESYS Development System
input [...] Example: rInput REF= Input; If you require
CODESYS Development System
. The input variable can [...] , but the output variable must
CODESYS Development System
_Point VAR pi [...] Number2: INT; END_VAR pi [...] points to an I/O input
CODESYS Development System
_Init : BOOL VAR_INPUT [...] elements VAR aiCounter : [...] ; END_VAR Lower index
CODESYS Development System
CODESYS Development System
block inputs [...] function block inputs [...] Examples ST var1 := 7